Saturday, August 19, 2023

My little brother and sister, what are they doing together? - short stories

 My little brother and sisterwhat are they doing together

Hello friends, I am Anthony, twenty years old. I have two sisters, their names are Wela and Wendy. Wela is two years older than me, while Wendy is only ten years old. Our father passed away five years ago, and we have been living a poor life ever since. We used to go nights without food because we couldn't afford it. Our father was a daily wage laborer with no insurance or pension, and our mother does what she can by selling vegetables to meet our needs.

Therefore, I decided to think of something and when I thought about it, I went to my mother and said, "Mom, are you free?" "Yes, Anthony, go ahead, I want to talk to you about something." "Well, Mom, it seems like you're tired. Are you okay?" "No, dear, there's nothing wrong. Don't worry, I'm just tired from work. Tell me what you want to say."

"Actually, Mom, I want you to help me find a job. As you can see, we're in a difficult situation, and I can't do anything about it. What I earn in a day is never enough for us, and our sisters' needs are increasing day by day. Wela is about to get married, and I want to buy her a present. As for weandy , I want to enroll her in a school. This is what I wanted to talk to you about. I found a job already, and I will start tomorrow morning, God willing."

"Really? And where is this job, my son? And why didn't you tell me that you were looking for work?"

"I didn't want to bother you, Mom. I wanted to search first, and if I found a good job, I would tell you."

"Okay, what is this job, then?"

"I will clean public parks and villa gardens. I spoke to the boss, and he agreed to hire me. He even asked me to bring my little sister, Wendy, with me so that she can play and have fun with his children."

"What a kind-hearted man! May God bless him."

"Okay, Mom. So, I'll take Wendy with me tomorrow and start working

"Okay, my son, take her with you, but don't take your eyes off her."

"Of course, Mom, I will. Now, I'll leave you to rest. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, my dear."


"The evening ended well, and the next morning I woke up Wendy and took her with me outside. I said to her, "Wendy, we're going to play a game now, but don't tell anyone about this game. It will be our secret, okay? I love playing games, and I'll do what Anthony says."

She smiled and I gave her some torn clothes and said, "Take these clothes and put them on. This outfit is part of the game. Are we going to play a disguise game?"

"Yes, it's a disguise game, and I'll change my clothes too. After we change our clothes, we'll sit here in the middle of the road and you'll tell passersby that I'm sick and need money for an operation, and you'll cry so that people will be affected."

"What? But will people play along with us too?"

"Yes, they will play with us, but don't tell anyone that it's a game about your crying. It will be acting, and it's part of our game, my dear."

"Okay, I agree with you, my brother."

"Yes, what you heard is true. I didn't find a job as I told my mother. I just thought of taking Hoor and going out to beg and deceive people, but without my mother's knowledge because she won't allow me to do something like that. I wore some old clothes and put some black charcoal on Wendy's face, then pretended to be blind. I said to Wendy, "The game will start now, so stand in front of me and ask people for help with money, okay?"

"Okay, my brother."

"But show some sadness as if we're in a theatrical scene, okay? We agreed?"

"We agreed, my brother."


"And Wendy really did what I told her, and people started sympathizing with us and giving us money. When the day was over, I took Wendy and we changed our clothes to go back home with a lot of money.

"Wendy, as we agreed, don't tell my mother or anyone about what we did today, okay?"

"Okay, my brother. This will be our secret, but I've never seen a game like this before."

"It's a new game that no one knows about except us. Look, we're going to enter the house now. If my mother asks you what you did today, tell her that you were in a big and beautiful park playing with some children there."

"But are we lying to our mother like this, my brother?"

"This is a white lie, Wendy. Don't think too much about it, okay?"

"Okay, as you wish."

"We entered the house, and I gave my mother all the money I earned from begging. She said to me, 'My son, did you receive your salary on your first day of work?'

"Yes, mother. The man I work with is very generous, and when he learned about our situation, he gave me my salary today."

"May God bless him, my son. And you, Wendy, tell me what did you do today? Did you have fun?"

"Yes, mother, I had a lot of fun and learned new games too, right, Talyd?"

"Yes, my dear."

"Okay, my little one, go to sleep now."

"Okay, goodnight, mother."

"Goodnight to you too."


"I went to bed, and the next day I took Wendy with me outside, and we did the same thing we did yesterday. After the day was over, we went back home with enough money to last us a week. I know what I'm doing is wrong, but I couldn't find a better solution. Here I am making money without any effort.

This continued for a whole month. Sometimes, I left Wendy at home and went begging alone so that my mother and sister wouldn't suspect anything. But one day, while Wendy and I were begging on the road, my older sister Yalla saw me pretending to be sick, and Wendy was begging for me. She came towards us angrily and said, "Anthony and Wendy, what are you doing here? Are you crazy?"

Then Wendy said innocently, "My brother, my sister has discovered our game."

"What game, Wendy? And what are these old clothes you're wearing?"

"My sister, it's not what you think."

"What is it then, Anthony? Come on, tell me."

"Sister, don't get angry. This is a game. Tell her, Wendy. And it will remain a secret between us."

Yalla was very angry at that moment and said, "Did you deceive your little sister because she's a child who doesn't know anything? And you used her in your petty game? Shame on you, Anthony. Didn't you think about how your mother would feel when she finds out that her only son has deceived her and is begging on the streets instead of cleaning the gardens?"

"Yalla, you're right. I know what I did was wrong, but I couldn't find another solution. We were starving, and you're about to get married, and we haven't bought anything for you. What should I do? Tell me."



"You should have looked for an honest job, Anthony, instead of exploiting people and lying to them. You forgot the principles our father taught us. But our father's principles don't make money, my sister.

At that moment, Yalla slapped me across the face and said, "I'm sorry for you, Anthony. I'm sorry for you, Yalla and Wendy. Let's go home, my dear." Yalla and Wendy went home, but I stayed on the street crying because Yalla didn't understand that what I did was for her and Wendy. But she was also right. I could have looked for an honest job, even if I earned little money from it, at least it would have been halal.

I returned home, and I didn't have the courage to look Yalla and my mother in the eye. "Anthony, where were you, my son? Wendy has been back for a long time. Did anything happen?" "No, Mom, nothing happened. I'm tired. I'll go to my room and sleep. Goodnight."

I went to my room, and when my mother fell asleep, I left the room and went to Yalla and Wendy's room. "Yalla, I'm sorry. I apologize to you. I'm really remorseful for what I said to you this morning. I realized my mistake, and you were right about everything you said to me this morning. That's why I'm asking for your forgiveness."

"I hope you're really remorseful, Anthony, and that you won't repeat what you did ever again." "I don't promise that I won't repeat it again, but I have learned from my mistake. Please don't tell Mom about what you saw. I don't want to break her heart."

"Anyway, I won't tell her. I don't want to see her sad again. Your mistake is unforgivable, Anthony, but it's good that you realized your mistake. I hope you'll forgive me too, and may God forgive me. I promise you that I'll look for a good job starting tomorrow."

"I forgive you, Anthony. You're my only brother, and I hope God will bless you with intelligence and good morals, and that you'll find a good job to build your future with. Goodnight, and see you tomorrow." I went to my room, and the next morning, I went out to look for a job. I decided not to go home until I found a good job, and I finally found one washing dishes at one of the biggest restaurants.

I went home and told Yalla and my mother, and they were very happy. And now, I have become a chef at that restaurant. Yalla got married to a good man, and as for me, my mother, and Wendy, we live a quiet and stable life with halal money that we earn through hard work."


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