Saturday, August 19, 2023

The teacher and the naughty kids - short stories

The teacher and the naughty kids

Hello , my friends. My name is Amanda, and I am 35 years old. As for my profession, I am an Arabic language teacher. My story began on the first day of my work at a high school. I went to the school and headed straight to the principal's office.

"Hello, Mr. George. How are you?"

"Hello, Amanda. I'm fine. You have brought light to the school."

"Thank you, Mr. George. I am glad to work in the school where I studied."

"We are also happy to have you with us, Amanda."

"Thank you again, Mr. George. Which class should I enter?"

"In fact, all the classes have teachers now except one, but I cannot allow you to enter that class."

"But why don't you want me to enter that specific class?"

"That class has the most unruly and impolite students, my dear daughter, and that's why they need someone strict to control them."

"Did you put the troublesome students in one class?"

"Yes, that's what we did. Many teachers complained about these students, and we couldn't stop them, so we isolated them. I am even considering expelling them from school these days."

"What? Expelling them! But, Mr. George, this is only making things worse. Please allow me to be the teacher of these students. Maybe I can change them."

"But, Amanda, you won't be able to handle this type of students."

"Mr. George, please give me a chance. If I can't handle them, I will let you know for sure."

"But, my daughter, okay, as you wish. I know how stubborn you are. Come with me, and I will show you the class."

"Thank you, Mr. George."


"I went with Mr. George to the class of the troublemakers, and outside the class, we saw two students fighting. The principal stopped the fight, and then he ordered each of them to go to their respective classes. One of them was from the troublemakers' class and his name was John. The three of us entered the class, me, the principal, and John, and the noise filled the place, even though there were only four students in the class. The principal said, 'Quiet, students. I am tired of you. I would have never kept you in school if it weren't for the teacher, Amanda. I am giving you another chance for her sake only.'

"The students looked at me with surprise and anger. Then, the principal left the class, and as he was leaving, he said, 'I warn you, if I hear that any of you have troubled or mistreated the teacher, Amanda, I won't spare you. I will expel you from school. Do you understand?'

"The students remained silent, showing their dissatisfaction. The principal repeated his warning with anger, saying, 'Do you understand?'

"'Yes, sir,' they replied.

"The principal closed the door behind him, and I sat on the desk and said, 'I have heard a lot of bad things about you, but despite that, I wanted to give you another chance. Will you introduce yourselves?'

"John stood up and said, 'Who told you that we need another chance? We don't need you. We'll live our lives as we please.'

"I said, 'What's your name?'

"'And what's it to you?' he replied.

"'It's my business because I am your teacher. You must respect me, and if you cross the line while talking to me, you will receive the consequences. Now, all of you will introduce yourselves, and if I see or hear anything that displeases me in this class, I will make you regret it. All four of you, do you understand?'

"John sat down."


"I stopped the girl in front of me and said, 'What's your name? Your face looks familiar to me.'

She claimed, 'My name is Sarah Claude.'

'Are you Sarah, the daughter of teacher Victoria?'

'Yes, I am her daughter.'

'How is your mother doing? She taught me when I was in high school. Please give her my regards. It's been years since I've seen her.'

'Unfortunately, I can't. She passed away two years ago.'

'I'm really sorry. I didn't know. Please accept my condolences.'

'It's okay.'

I asked Sarah to sit down and then started to get to know the other two students, Eric and Sophia. After the end of the day, I went home and planned to get to know them better the next day. However, they beat me to it and set a very bad trap for me. They put glue on my chair so I couldn't stand up again. I was very angry and said to them, 'Do you think there is no one like you in your actions? If you continue like this, I will treat you in the same way. Each one of you will write the lesson one hundred times, and if I come tomorrow and don't find the lesson written this way, I will complain to the principal, and you know what he will do to you.'

"From that day, they didn't dare do anything to me out of fear of punishment. But later, Sarah came to me and apologized for what had happened. I accepted her apology, and while talking to her, another student came and said to Sarah, 'Give me back my necklace, you thief.'

'I didn't steal anything, Vanessa. Keep to yourself.'

'No one steals here except for you. I'm sure it was you who stole my necklace.'

'Vanessa, be quiet. How can you accuse your friend of theft like that?'

'She's not my friend. She's a thief, and everyone knows it.'

'Keep to your limits, Vanessa, or I'll take you to the principal. Sarah is not a thief.'

"Our friend, Bousi, joined us and said, 'Vanessa, we found your necklace. Here it is.'

'Look, here's your necklace. Don't accuse Sarah of theft before you're sure, or you'll be punished.'

'I'm sorry, teacher. I apologize to you, Sarah.'

Sarah was saddened by what had happened, so she went home immediately without saying anything. After a few days, I conducted individual interviews with each student to get to know them better, and the first person I sat with was John.

'John, I know you're not happy with my presence in the school, but I'm here, and I'll stay here until I change your system.'

'But why do you ask us to change? Why don't the other students change, for example?'

'Because the other students' behavior is good. It's only you who the teachers complain about.'

'That's because no one understands us. We're here in a separate class, isolated from everyone. But why? Is it because life has brought out the worst in us, so we're isolated like this, as if we're in prison and not in school?'

 "I know that isolating you was wrong, but I haven't forgotten how you were fighting with your classmate yesterday, John. What if he or you got hurt? But he went too far with me, he insulted me because my parents divorced and left me alone. Tell me, which one of you is worse now, John? Both of you are bad. You shouldn't have fought with him. You could have gone to the principal, and he would have punished him. Will the principal, who isolated us, punish him? You don't know anything about what we're going through, so go back where you came from and don't bother yourself with us. If I leave, you'll be expelled. Do you know that?"

"I know, but I don't care about that anymore. My life was destroyed when my parents abandoned me."

John left the classroom immediately after finishing his statement, hiding his tears. I called out to him many times, but he didn't respond.

Then Sarah entered the classroom and said, "Hello, John told me that you wanted to see me."

"Yes, please sit down and let's talk a little."

"But what are we going to talk about? Is it because my mother divorced or something else?"

I asked her to calm down and sit comfortably, but she refused and said angrily, "To satisfy your curiosity? I came to this class because everyone accused me of stealing. I have a compulsive stealing disorder, so you can also call me a thief if you want."

"Sarah, I don't accuse you of anything like that, you're the daughter of my former teacher, and I'm sure you're a good person. Don't consider me an enemy, Sarah. I really love you, and I'll always be by your side."

"But my mother also said that, and then she left me alone."

"I feel for you, Sarah, but death is not in our hands. This is the destiny of God. Also, your mother did not die, and you have all her beautiful qualities."

"No, I'm a thief, not like my mother at all."

"You're not a thief, Sarah. You're not like that."

I hugged Sarah tenderly and told her we would talk about this later, but for now, stop crying and send me Eric and Sophia.

"Okay, teacher."

Sophia and Eric came together, and I deliberately made them come together because they were like siblings. After we talked a little, I learned that the reason for their misconduct and bullying towards other students was due to their difficult experiences. Sophia had been bullied by some boys, and since then, she had turned into a different person who didn't care about anyone's feelings. She became the bad one in everyone's story so that no one would approach her. As for Eric, he changed his behavior just to stay with his sister in the troublemakers' class and not leave her alone. He made himself a bad person to stand by his sister


"At that moment, I thought a lot about the lives of these four students and contacted them all to come to my house. As soon as they arrived, I welcomed them and said, 'What do you think about going to the park tomorrow and releasing all the negative energy inside us, and thus getting rid of our sorrows?'"

"And will the park help us with that?"

"Yes, there is the beauty of nature. We'll play, have fun, contemplate, and also talk about our dreams."

"I really liked the idea. I'll come."

"And we will too, teacher."

"Good, then."

Here, I noticed Sarah taking my watch and putting it in her bag, so Eric said, "If we're going now, teacher, do you want anything else?"

"You can't leave, but Sarah, you stay. I want to talk to you."

Sarah said nervously, "What do you want, teacher?"

"Sit down, Sarah, don't be afraid."

She said while crying, "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I know you saw me when I took the watch, and that's why you asked me to stay. Please forgive me. Here's the watch. I really didn't mean it. Don't tell anyone."

"Sarah, calm down, my dear. I know this happened unintentionally, and I'll give you this watch as a gift. It's from your mother, and you deserve it more than me."

"What? Is it really from my mother?"

"Yes, she gave it to me when I finished high school, and I'm giving it to you now."

"But I can't accept it. It's yours."

"No, it's for you. I gave it to you now. Don't be sad."

"Okay, as you wish."

"Sarah, do you want to get treatment for your condition?"

"Of course, I wish, but I've been to several doctors, and no one could heal me."

"Can I help you with that?"

"Of course, yes."

"Then come to me every day, and let's talk about everything in your heart. This will definitely make you better."

"Okay, I agree, teacher."


"You can leave now if you want. Yes, see you later, teacher Amanda."

The day passed, and the next day, the students and I carried out our plan. After we finished the trip, Eric said, "I really enjoyed today. Thank you, my teacher. Your idea was beautiful."

"Yes, I feel happy too. I don't know where it comes from," I replied. "I meant for us to do this today so that you can see the world around you and live life as it should be lived, loving everyone."

"But, teacher, there are very bad people out there, and we shouldn't be kind-hearted to them, or we'll lose a lot," Sophia said.

"No, Sophia, kindness only brings comfort. As for bad people, we should teach them how to become good, not become like them."

"Yes, you're right, my teacher."

"Thank you for trying to help us become better people, teacher Amanda. We appreciate it," John added.

"No, thank you for teaching me a lot of things, young people."

Days went by, and I began to notice an improvement in the students' behavior day by day, until their academic performance became excellent. Everyone in the school was amazed by what happened, including the principal, who had intended to expel them from school. One day, he came to me and said, "Amanda, how did you do that? And what did I do, sir?"

"You were able to do what no one else could do here. You changed four students for the better in one month."

"I didn't change them, they changed themselves. I just helped them with that."

"But, my dear, this is also an achievement."

"Thank you, sir."

"Now, the troublemakers' class has become the most distinguished class in the school, and its name has been changed to the distinguished class. Sophia, Sarah, Eric, and John are now studying at the university, but they never forgot me and come to visit me every once in a while. Truly, as they say, 'fortunate is he who can make a lost person find their way.'"


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